COVID-19 Safety

In addition to the strict hygienic procedures we (the Black Serum crew) already follow, we have implemented extra measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We will also be asking you to adhere to new requirements to keep yourself, fellow clients, and our crew safe and healthy. If you are uncomfortable with any of the following, please wait until after restrictions are lifted to submit your booking request.

Below is a summary of our current health and safety protocol. This is subject to change at any time without advance notice, in accordance with any future directives from the SF Department of Public Health. Please be prepared to follow additional precautions not listed here, as instructed by Black Serum artists or staff.

Our facilities

• Over 2500 square feet of interior space with 16-foot high ceilings and an HVAC system with filtration, along with medical-grade air purifying systems
• Tattooing stations have medical dividers and are at least 6 feet apart from one another
• Artists and staff will regularly sanitize door knobs, bathroom fixtures, and other commonly touched surfaces
• There will be ample space outside the entrance for clients to safely wait for appointments to begin; the indoor waiting area is currently off-limits
• Filtered water is available if you bring your own drinking container

Our crew

• Artists and staff are certified in bloodborne pathogen training and have taken additional COVID-19 safety training. We continue to adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation in accordance with San Francisco County Health Department regulations.
• Artists and staff will utilize disposable gloves while tattooing

Preventing exposure

• Clients and artists will be sanctioned to their designated areas to limit cross-contamination

Entry to Black Serum

• Please attend your appointment alone; no additional family members or friends if possible.
• Arrive for your appointment a few minutes early or on time and be prepared to wait outside on the sidewalk markers
• Text me when you arrive and I will let you in the door. (I will provide my phone number when we confirm your rescheduled appointment date/time.)


ere's a list of testing sites in San Francisco.
• If either you or myself are feeling ill, especially if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including but not limited to fever, shivers, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell, or nausea, your appointment will be rescheduled
• If either of us have tested positive for COVID-19 or have come in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, your appointment will be rescheduled